Sunday, December 11, 2011

It's time for a giveaway!

Along with Sew, Mama, Sew! I'm getting in the giveaway spirit this year. This is your chance to win a print of my owl triptych. That's not one, not two, but THREE 8 x 10 owl prints. You can display them on their own or line them up and make a scene!

This is a worldwide giveaway. The winner will receive a glossy print of each of the owls below, posted in a firm cardboard envelope (so no posties bend them!) to their address.

All you have to do is answer the following two questions using the comments field below. Be as detailed or succinct as you like :)

Q1: If you commissioned a piece of art, which animal (bird/sea creature/monster) would you choose as the focus?
Q2: What is your favourite myth, legend or fairytale?

Remember to leave your email in the comments or I cannot contact you if you are the winner!

I'm not asking entrants to follow my blog or like my Facebook page. However, if you like my work, tutorials and general ramblings please feel free to link up. I'd love to share with you!

Extra info: After receiving interest in these prints I've decided to give participants extra ways to win. If you wish to follow my blog or my Facebook you will receive an extra entry into the draw. Just make a new comment for each follow, like 'Hi, I'm a new Facebook follower' and 'Hi I just started following your blog' and you can have three entries in total. Remember to include your Answers in your initial comment too! This is by no means mandatory, just an opportunity for extra entries :)

Owl triptych. Each 8 x 10 inches (20 x 25cm) total page size with a 2cm white border for framing (black frame is just to show the outline of the pictures, it's not on the prints). These little guys will arrive as prints only, unframed. Each will fit into a standard 8 x 10 photo frame, no need for custom framing :)

The winner will be chosen by random on December 17, 2011 11am (Brisbane, Australia EST. That's December 16, 2011 5pm PST). I know that's confusing! The winner will be notified by email within an hour of the draw and is required to respond with their address within 48 hours of notification or a new winner will be chosen.

Thank you in advance and I look forward to seeing your entries :)

I have another art giveaway coming up over at Hand Made-n's collaborative blog. It will be open tomorrow, check it out and enter that one too!


  1. Ooooh so pretty!!
    Well first answer I would choose an owl or tiger, my favourite animals :)
    Hmm, my favourite fairytale would probably have to be The Princess & The Pea. :)

  2. Beautiful! I might commission small forest animals; squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits and such. Jack and the Beanstalk as my favorite fairy tale. Thanks!

  3. I would commission either an octopus or peacock scene.

    My favorite myth or legend, is The Ungrateful Tiger.

  4. Beautiful Owls!
    Because they're so visually intricate, I would probably commission something like a leafy sea dragon, though I'm fairly obsessed with kookaburras and other predatory birds.
    As for a legend, I would choose the Kraken.

  5. I would commission birds, I love to paint all kinds of birds.

    My favorite myth is "The Cat that Walked by Himself." by Rudyard Kipling.

  6. Wow! I must say your prints are absolutely gorgeous :) And if I were to commission something, it would definitely be either an owl or turtle- I've been collecting items of these animals since I was in middle school :D And my favorite fairytale is J.R.R. Tolkien's retelling of Hey Diddle Diddle in The Fellowship of the Ring.

  7. Oh I LOVE owls!

    Can I say though that the answer to both questions would be a phoenix? They're my favorite mythological creature and the source of my business name (PhoenixFire Designs.) There are nowhere near enough phoenix items in the world and it would be amazing to have something custom done in that theme.

  8. Joy joy.davidson @ ymail.comDecember 13, 2011 at 6:29 AM

    I would probably commission an elephant.
    My favorite fairy tale is probably Hansel and Gretel.

  9. That is a hard question to answer. I want to commission a painting of a tree with a bird in it, but not a particular bird. But an elephant would be nice too.

    My favorite fairy tale is Little Red Riding hood.

  10. That would have to be my dog. She passed this last spring. She was a special, magical creature. She belonged to the woods. She looked like a timber wolf but with a silly grin. She was a sled dog, a crazy mix that Alaskans use for sled racing. But no racing for her, she was too special for that! Running yes, mostly as a game from me. She was a beauty and I miss her dearly! It is her picture I use for my google account :)

  11. mi animal preferido son los gatos
    y de los cuento alguna leyenda de la isla de Chiloe
    besos desde santiago de Chile

  12. I would probably commission a picture of an elephant, since both my mother and great-grandmother collect elephants.

    My favorite fairy tale is Rapunzel.

  13. I think I would commission a Lion. My favorite fairy tale would be red riding hood.

  14. I think I would choose a fox to be the focal piece of a work of art. And I think my favorite fairytale is the one about the 12 dancing princess that wore holes in their shoes every night. I love your prints. My daughter's middle name is Pueo, Hawaiian for owl.

  15. Love your owls, my fav animal or creature would be a cow, Love cows. My fav fairy take is Goldilocks.

  16. Owls or deer!

    My favorite fantasy would be The Lord of the Rings.

  17. I love both horses and foxes so it would have to be one of those. My favourite tale of old is probably Beowolf

  18. I'd choose a rabbit or hare.
    Fav tale/legend is the little boy who stuck his finger in the damn to save the town!

  19. These are beautiful! My son is a huge fan of owls, he would love these!
    Well for question 1. i would say a goat. i have goats and love the dearly, they have so much personality.

    My favorite myth creature would be a Unicorn or dragon. i love them both. Thanks for the chance!

  20. i subscribed to your blog via google reader, didn't see how to follow on GFC.


  21. i'd like to 'like' your facebook page, but the link isn't working and i can't find it. Please let me know the link and i'll 'like' it. My fb name is tree tiemeyer.

  22. I would choose a bear. And I love gnome stories!

  23. I would commission a Loon and The Princess and the Pea is my favorite fairytale.

  24. Sorry about the lack of Facebook linkage! I'm Eveningsong Ink on FB, a business page. Does the FB link on the right-hand sidebar work?

  25. Q1: Unicorns!!!
    Q2: The Paperbag Princess.

  26. Love those owls!

    I would choose a Jack Russell Terrier because I have two of them ;)
    My favourite myth is the Fox and the Grapes.

  27. Those owls are great! I think my answer is the same for both: the Green Man. Not an animal exactly, but those images catch me more than any other.

  28. The owls are beautiful! I love owls! I actually just bought a little owl figurine over the weekend! Q1. I would say owl, but since that seems like I'm taking an easy answer. My second pick would be a bald eagle.
    Q2. I would have to say Mermaids. I've always thought it would be cool to be a mermaid :)
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  29. I'd commission a tanuki. They're so cute!

    I don't have a favorite fairytale or legend because they're usually sad! I enjoy reading them, but I wouldn't say I had a favorite... >_<

  30. If I was to commission an animal, it would be a red river hog. That is my husband's favorite animal at the San Diego Zoo. They have scruffy ears that are pretty darn cute.

  31. I would commission a Jack Russell Terrier and a Scottish Terrier because those are my little guys! My favorite fantasy story would have to be Beowulf.

  32. Wow, this triptych is fantastic! In the real world, I am terrified of birds, but I LOVE artwork of owls. If I were ever to commission art, probably I'd want an octopus or jelly fish.

    As for favourite myths and legends, it always depends based on whatever I've been reading lately! Just the other day I was reading about Baba Yaga, who lives in a cottage which is held up by chicken legs! Hilarious, creepy, fascinating.


  33. I like a picture of my dog Opie . He is so noble looking and so very loyal.

  34. OK, first off. Your owls are beautiful!!! Second, hmm, well, my first choice would be owls. Second would be sharks (my daughter's favorite animal...LOL)Favorite myth/legend, well, I am not sure it qualifies, but it would be Harry Potter because it founds it's way into my kids hearts and made them want to read!Thanks so much for the opportunity!!

  35. Owls would actually be one of my top picks as a commission. My second choice would be ladybugs! As far as my favorite myth/legend, I would have to go with "The Princess and the Pea." I am also a big fan of Disney's "The Beauty and the Beast."

  36. The idea of Big Foot is pretty scary!! Fav fairy tale is rapunzel... So much hair!!

    xo Steph

  37. I love whales, both in art and in real life. Well, i love the Beauty and the Beast story. I think it has a good message about changing the way we look at people. Thanks for the lovely give away chance.

  38. What a beautiful print!!
    I am a sucker for all animals, so the first question is very difficult. I suppose I'd choose a Saint Bernard (I have one) or a zebra if I needed a non-pet animal. :)
    My favorite myths are those about centaurs.

    Thank you for a lovely giveaway!

  39. I would comission a cat and I love Cinderella!

  40. I'd probably commission an owl- we're lucky enough to have burrowing owls ( the smallest owls and they aren't strictly nocturnal) near our home so they visit our yard a lot. ;)

    I'm all about the pterodactyl, too. But I guess that was real and not mythical. The part that's mythical is that I want them to still exist.

    Thanks for participating!

    Ewholihan at emc dot org

  41. If i were to commission a print, it would be of a person with antlers, or with a deer head. I have a thing for antlers in unexpected places. My favorite myth is about the Selkies - seal people who shed their sealskins to walk among humans, and then return to the oceans.

  42. I'd have to say owls because I'm obsessed with them, but since my children could qualify as animals or monsters, at times, perhaps them. ;)
    I'd definitely have to pick the fairy tale Little Red Cap/Little Red Riding Hood. Either Perrault's version or the old Grimm's version. They're both dark and sinister compared to modern, watered down tellings of the story, and I love it.

  43. My favorite animal, probably has to be a Thoroughbred horse. My favorite myth is The Odyssey.

  44. those owls are lovely!
    if I were to commission artwork, it would likely include river otters.
    Irish Danu is of interest

  45. Since I favor owls, that is the bird I would commission.
    Your owls are wonderful. Thanks.
    Cinderella is such a favorite.

  46. I would choose your owls! My favorite story as a child was Waterbabies. I think it scared me to death even though swimming was what I loved the most.

  47. I'd commission either a marmot (obviously) or - I don't know why, woodpecker comes to mind.

    My favourite fairy-tale/story as a child was "O Slunečníku, Měsíčníku a Větrníku", i.e. "Sun King, Moon King and Wind King" - a story where these three marry three sisters and their brother sets on an adventure of his own, winning the love of a strong warrior princess and saving her from enchantment with the help of his brothers-in-law.

    marmota.b (at) hotmail. com

  48. that white owl looks so miffed! I love it. It;s the perfect print to have around for those "idjit" kind of days - teehee.

    I would commission a work of art that features rats. I've heard that rats and cats are fantastic to draw due to their body shapes and movements. I love rats and we have some pet ones. The legend to go with that would obviously the Pied Piper :)

    Thank you for the chance to win one of your owl prints. Mr. Miffed is off course my favourite and reminds me of my hubby when he "has to deal with stupid people" ;)


  49. I love these prints! WOW!

    If I commissioned art of an animal, I would want my two black labs recreated! They are beautiful!

    As for my favorite fairy tale, well, that would most certainly be Alice in Wonderland. Sometimes I think of SIX impossible things before breakfast!

  50. Gorgeous print! I love birds, so if I was commissioning something it would have to be the black-capped chickadee, which was the first bird to introduce me to birdwatching.

    My favourite myths are the ones with unicorns in them.

  51. My animal would be a pink flamingo. And I have always been interested in the 3 sisters of fate.

  52. i love these prints. my animal would have to be a whimsical bird.
    mcintoshsusan at hotmail dot com

  53. Animals: I do love birds...I know it's a trend, but I watch birds from my window and it calms me and mesmerizes me...if it was for my kids, dinosaurs.
    Fairy tale :Peter pan

    nancebagance at yahoo dot ca

  54. I would choose fairies. My favorite myth/legends are of King Arthur.

  55. I would commission a hedgehog...and my favorite legend is of the Selkies. I'm seriously coveting those owl prints, by the way. :-)

  56. I would choose owls, just like these. As for fairy tales, I love the 12 dancing princesses. :)

  57. I would have to go with a field mouse for question #1 and for #2, my favorite fairy tale is the Princess and the Pea.

  58. Your work is lovely!!! I would choose a hummingbird! My favorite fairytale has always been The Last Unicorn.

  59. Those owls are menacingly cute! I did commission a piece of animal art once, and it was a caricature of my brother's mini schnauzer. Classic!

  60. Q1 - Dragons or Griffins (my mums maiden name)
    Q1 - anything with Dragons!

  61. 1- Hummingbird
    2- Little Red Riding Hood
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    okiedokiemama at yahoo dot com

  62. 1-I'd have to ask my 8 year old...he is SO into birds...but if i had to guess...humingbird

  63. I'm going to go with a theme here.
    animal: owl
    myth: the goddess Athena and how she helped with the winning of the Trojan war

    Thanks for the great giveaway!


  64. These are lovely! I would choose a Fox :) and one of my favorite tales is the story of Pyramus and Thisbe.


    Thank you for the chance to win!!!

  65. What a lovely giveaway. i love birds, so it would be a bird of some sort. Or something else that flies.

    I'm not sure that I have a favorite fairy tale, but I've read just about every classic cinderella story out there.

  66. Q1: a fox
    Q2: hansel and gretel

  67. I would choose owls, as my two year old is obsessed with them! Does Lord of the Rings count as a "fairy tale"?
    mindfulhome at gmail dot com

  68. I would choose either an octopus or an elephant. I love them both!

    My favorite myth or legend... that's harder! I love Arthurian legend, I also love Norse, Native American, and Indian legends. I think a particularly lovely story is the Native American legend about the Moon and the North Star.


  69. If I commissions a work of art, it would feature a snail. My favorite fairytale is The Red Shoes by Hans Christian Andersen, even though it scared the crud out of me as a kid. akmajor (at) gmail (dot) com

  70. If I had to comission a work, it would be of a tortoise, not a turtle. They;re my favorite critters, and I am the housemate of a very spoiled Russian tortoise princess.

  71. I would commission a fawn: shy, fuzzy and sweet. We have deer that visit the crab apple tree in our back yard and we love watching the babies grow through the summer. Your owls are fabulous! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  72. I'd commission a frog or mouse. They have sentimental value for two different relatives. And my favourite fairytale is Hansel and Gretel. Gingerbread is very appealing!

  73. I really into foxes these days and I love the whole King Arthur thing

  74. Your owls are so wonderful!
    I can't think of what I'd commission... I love cats, but that seems a bit cliche. Well, it'd probably be cats anyways. *grin*
    My favorite myths/fairy tales are the remade ones.. love seeing a new take on an old thing.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win! :)

    sarita0818 at comcast dot net

  75. I love the owls! That's exactly what I would commission!

    I like The Ugly Duckling.

    Thanks for doing this giveaway!

    deborah (at) savvygirls (dot) ca

  76. I would choose an elephant! Does Alice in Wonderland count?

    lemonmeringuepiess AT gmail DOT com

  77. I love owls so that's easy. My fav fairy tale? Tangled, (Rapunzel, Disney style).

  78. These are so beautiful! If I were to commission a piece of art, I would choose a fox for the focus. I'm also a King Arthur fan...although it's really the Mists of Avalon telling of it that I love!

  79. I love dragons. Fiery ones with wings and scales and big nostrils. :)

    And I'm a fan of King Arthur stories, as well.

    Thanks for the chance to win! You are so talented!

  80. I would probably commission an owl too! I'm in love with them right now. Either that or maybe an elephant or turtle. My favorite fairy tale right now is snow white

  81. I love otters. I don't know if they could translate to artwork though :)

    I love the myth of Persephone.

  82. One of my favorite mythical creatures is the Loch Ness Monster. And if I commissioned an animal print I would want a frog or a leaf bug.

  83. I have a thing for "The Owl and The Pussycat" so would like something to represent them.

    Can I use that answer for question 2? I know it's a poam and not really the same.

  84. Hi, I'm a follower on FB
    Thank you for the chance to win such a wonderful prize.
    Kind regards from Germany.

  85. Hi, I'm a follower
    Thank you for the chance to win such a wonderful prize.
    Kind regards from Germany.

  86. Hi, and the 3. see I'm in need for these cute owls. My nickname in school was owl..Eule in german...guess why...I hated it in those days..but now I simply LOVE it...owl everywhere in my home...
    So, I'd be very happy with owls (or my pitchblack cat)
    Thank you for the chance to win such a wonderful prize.
    Kind regards from Germany.

  87. I'd have an octopus. Quite like them. I remember the russian fairy tales from when I was young. We'd read books and books of fairy tales, but the one of Baby Yaga has left a footprint in my brain. She's a witch who lives in a house that has chicken feet. What a great image!
    playamerca (at) gmail (dot) com

  88. Hi, I have commissioned a pencil drawing of my cat Mickey. We have also commissioned portraits of our daughters (pencil drawings also). The artists did the drawings from several photos we provided.

    I loved mythology as a child. Demeter and her daughter Persephone was probably my favorite, but I loved Medusa too.

  89. Hi, I just tried to email you from your contact me page, but it says your email is not installed yet. How much is the owl triptych and shipping to Maryland in the US?

  90. I would choose a butterfly. I love all greek myths and legends.

  91. I love owls, so it would be an owl!! I love myths, esp. Athena.

  92. I'm trying not to clog the comments with my own babble but your responses are all so wonderful!

    Jamie Lee, I'm sorry the link isn't working for you. My email is I'll shoot you a message tomorrow when I have access to a real computer and not just my mobile :)

  93. I'm trying not to clog the comments with my own babble but your responses are all so wonderful!

    Jamie Lee, I'm sorry the link isn't working for you. My email is I'll shoot you a message tomorrow when I have access to a real computer and not just my mobile :)

  94. I Love elephants! and I love the tales of King Arthur. "Merlin" has us griped every Saturday night on BBC1 (UK).

  95. 1. I would probably like a picture of birds (simple 'local' birds..not exotic/colorful ones) or woodland animals like foxes, rabbits, deer, etc.
    2. Favorite fairytale is probably something with a princess like Cinderella.
    Thanks for the chance to win. stephspitzer at gmail dot com

  96. A1: a seahorse
    A2: Pandora's box story/myth/legeng

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  97. I would most definitely commission a stinkbug. Yes, a stinkbug. They are the cutest of all insects!
    I love the mystery behind things such as the Eqyptian pyramids and the Easter Island sculptures. They are a reality, but they are most certainly magical.

  98. I love native birds (I'm in the UK!) especially the wren and the robin
    My favourite fairytale is 'The Princess and the Pea'

  99. We love owls and birds here in this house. But Elephants, snakes, and lady bugs come in a close second for the toddler twin GIRLS that live here.
    Favorite fairytale...hmm... maybe the frog prince... it makes me laugh to think of a girl kissing a frog :)

  100. I do love owls, especially. I'm in college right now heading towards a degree in ornithology, so yeah. I would also have to pick chickadees, cheeky little birds that they are.
    I think one of my favorite legends is Baba Yaga. There are all sorts of different takes on it.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  101. I would probably commision an owl (believe it or not). Love your drawings. My favorite legend is the loch ness monster or big foot. Here in Texas we also have the chupacabra. Thanks for the giveaway.

  102. Well, I can't say I have a favorite animal, but when I think about it, the print would have to have a mysterious atmosphere about it, like a black panther approaching it's prey and blending into its surroundings (maybe a nighttime hunt? XD) or some elegant and possibly sparkly sea creature, like a jellyfish. :D

    As for my favorite fairytale... I would have to say that I liked all of the books and old fashioned records with fairy tales my mom bought me when I was little (all of them in Hungarian, since that is my mother tongue). :) One that stood out because of the fictional creatures it has as its protagonists was this book: Tüsimesék: A hónyuszi, Az őzike bánata és más történetek "Mesék" (plural) means "fairy tales", the part after the colon means: "The snow bunny, The deer's sorrow and other stories". I don't know how to translate "tüsi", those were the fictional characters that appeared in every story and connected them. They look like a cross between small bears and hedgehogs, but the book doesn't say they are either of those. I guess you could translate "tüsi" as the "spiky one", since "tüske" means "thorn, spike". The book is basically about their life in a forest and the encounters they have with other animals and how they help them. :) It has beautiful full color illustrations on every page.

    Hope you found this interesting as opposed to boring. XD

    Thank you for the generous giveaway!

    My e-mail:

  103. Hmm.. An favorite myth is Greek Mythology.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  104. Owls are actually my favorite motif. I also love mushrooms (not an animal, I realize) and cats. My personal masterpiece is an art quilt depicting an owl. Merry Christmas!

  105. I'm a new follower. Oh, and I forgot to give my favorite fairy tale, which is "East of the Sun, West of the Moon."

  106. Mermaid or a Narwal : )
    and in this theme I will answer the tale of Sedna

  107. I do like elephants, and volvox too, very pretty.

    Myth wise, I would say the Icarus, although I am not sure what the moral of the story is there... Don't reach too high?

  108. i would probably pick a cat. right now one of my favorite fairy tales that my son and i just read is odd and the frost giants. we also like lemony snicket.

  109. Q1: A panda. My son loves them, and it was one of his first words :)
    Q2: My favorite myth is the Greek myth with Perseus - probably because my dad loved the old "Clash of the Titans" and watched it constantly!

  110. oh, the owls are beautiful and if I win, I will give them to my daughter. My Mom liked owls and they are something very precious that my daughter remembers about her Nana. She will always think of her when she sees them.

    If I commissioined a piece of art, what animal would I choose? I do really have an affinity for the black crow and the golden retriever really calls to my heart.

    As for myth, legend or fairy tale, that is a hard one, as there are many good ones that call to different parts of my imagination. But I like the idea of Robin Hood, the idea of helping those who need our help and finding joy in the process.


  111. I've always been fascinated with Sea Gulls so that would be my choice. I love stories and movies about the Mythical Gods, Zeus, Poseidon, etc.

  112. I subscribe to your posts in Google Reader, thanks for the 2nd entry.

  113. I would probably commission a platypus. Favourite fairytale...If I can make it a fiction series instead, I'd say the Lord of the Rings!

  114. These owls are beautiful! And nice questions - I really had to think about this one! :) I'd go for a Yeti, definitely - I think they're misunderstood creatures who are secretly very cuddly. And my favorite fairy tale is Snow White, but I'm not sure why - it just sticks with me. Thanks for the giveaway chance! gotthebutton (at) me (dot) com

  115. Courtesy of Nilmerg who is having trouble entering: I'd love a ladybird picture and for a mythical creature, it would have to be a gothic type fairy in black and white. Thanks

  116. I love whatever has to do with the sea so I would comission a mermaid art piece so it would include sea creatures and sea glass. I love the poem with the mermaid asking about her brother Alexander the Great!

  117. I would commission a painting of bunnies in a field. I love the nature with wildlife shot. I love snow white, the real one not the disney version!

  118. I think maybe penguins... My little boy loves them so much LOL! As for my favorite fairytale... Rapunzel!

  119. My son (33) collects owls and would I love to give him your print as part of his Christmas gift. Because of his collection, I would commission a painting of an owl.

  120. 1) I just finished watching David Attenborough's Frozen Planet, which deals with life in the polar regions. Therefore, if I were to commission a piece of artwork right now, I would likely choose either a penguin (one of the smaller ones) or an albatross.

    2)My favorite fairytale is The Snow Queen.

    chibidani at gmail dot com

  121. I love birds and I think it'd be lovely to have a print of a huge flock swooping through a wintry sky. My favorite fairy tales are the ones George MacDonald wrote.

    Thanks and Merry Christmas!

    winterwrens at gmail dot com

  122. Would it be awful if I chose a cow? More specifically, a cow/calf pair.
    My favorite myth is the Milky Way legend from L. M. Montgomery's 'The Story Girl' novel.

  123. I would love to see Herons. I just love their grace.
    My favorite fairytale is Little Red Riding Hood.

  124. I would either choose a scruffy little terrier dog (just like mine!) or a Japanese crane because I think they're gorgeous. And on that note, the tale "The Crane Wife" is definitely one of my favorites!

    annesedney AT gmail DOT com

  125. A humming bird or a butterfly would be what I would commission because growing up those two were my favorite animals to color because of the variety of color they each could have.
    I like "A Midsummer's Night Dream"

  126. I like owls, so I might commission them, but I might also choose a wolf. My favorite legend is the King Arthur legend.

  127. So lovely! I'd commission a seahorse. I'm not sure if it fits into the category, but my favorite is the Narnia series ;)

  128. I would commission a pug just like my dog-daughter. My favorite fairytale would be 'Snow White and Rose Red'.


  129. I'd commission a song thrush. If my fiance were a bird-he'd be a song thrush. My favorite fairytale is of the mynah bird.

  130. I would probably commission a peacock. I love sleeping beauty the best. Thanks for the giveaway!
